The story begins in Holland in a little town called Zeist. There lived a man called A.M.J.M. Wildenberg, Sjeff for friends. He owned a perfumery, but spend most of his time in the barn behind the store playing around with WWII vehicles.
There his love for diamond-T and Ward LaFrance parts grew stronger and stronger and eventually took over. In 1954 he sold his perfumery and started Wildenberg Parts. Filled with joy about his new career Sjeff travelled across the country selling WWII vehicle parts along the way. In 1964 the first order from the Dutch Army came in. The truck was replaced by a warhouse and things got serious! For many years the company flourished as it became the number one parts supplier for the Army.
When Sjeffs son Etienne took over in 1988 the company was in great shape, but when the wall came down in 1989 there was an 85% decrease in sales, and the company suffered a hard blow. But Etienne inherited his father’s passion for WWII vehicles, especially Jeep, Dodge and GMC’s, and with a great amount of grit he turned things around. Making one of the biggest deals, buying 63 Willy Jeeps!
In 1996 the company moved from Zeist to Rhenen, close to the historical ground of Operation Market and the Airborne War Cemetery. Moving took over a year and 80 truck loads to complete but everything was now labelled and stocked neatly in the new 23.000ft2 warehouse. So in 2006 Sjeff felt comfortable handing over the company to his son David.
Together with his team of WWII-vehicle enthusiasts David took the business to a new level stacking his warehouse with high quality spare parts and vehicles. These days they mainly focus on the online sales of spare parts and they attend all the big events like The Anniversary of D-Day, The Liberation of the town Plzen in the Czech Republic, and of course the biggest event in the world, The War and Peace show in England.